WHITE RIVER – One great thing about living in Northern Ontario is the ability to travel through scenic locations between White River and Sudbury.
For the town of White River, particularly, the new three-day-a-week schedule has some positive impacts.
Mayor Angelo Bazzoni explains, “finally we got a written commitment from VIA that the Budd car into White River is going back into its three-day week schedule, so that’s good news for us and all the outpost camps.”
VIA Rail’s Budd car service is expected to bring more tourism to the area.
Which, after two years of lockdowns and social distancing, the tourism sector in the region could use the much-needed resurgence of the Budd car service.
The Budd car offers spacious seating and dining at affordable prices.
It arrives in White River on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.