MARATHON – Representatives from the North of Superior Healthcare Group are pleased that so many local businesses, stakeholders, and organizations have donated to the Barrick Care Project.
Mitchell Hatton, administrative coordinator, told Newswatch the Barrick Care Project fundraising campaign, known as Families Closer to Home, started at the same time as the Barrick Care Home began construction back in March.
The goal of the Families Closer to Home campaign is to address the pressing need for enhanced long-term-care facilities in Marathon.
“The thought process behind that was to bring families closer together – back to their communities, surrounded by their family and friends, back in with their culture and their regular surroundings. To really open up the services that we can offer and help them feel more comfortable closer to home,” Hatton said.
So far, Families Closer to Home has reached 85 per cent of its $2 million goal.
“It's roughly $1.7 million. So, we have about $300,000 left to go. We're really trying to get creative and looking for different ways to do some fundraising,” Hatton explained.
He said donations have been flooding from all parts of Northern Ontario, including Terrace Bay, Kapuskasing, and Cochrane.
“It's been nice to see everyone who has been working and supporting the project,” Hatton said.
With a $1-million donation, Barrick Gold was able to obtain the naming rights to the long-term facility.
“They've been huge supporters of all of the communities around the mine. We were very, very excited to hear that they would be interested in donating a million dollars. It made our day,” Hatton said.
The 14-bed long-term-care facility is set to open as early as the spring of 2025 if weather permits.
However, the construction has caused those sitting in the courtyard at the Wilson Memorial Hospital to ask a lot of questions.
“'What's this wall going up? What's this room going to be like?' So, usually when I go down, I take the plans for the building and we just kind of sit there and I explain to them, you know, 'This is where all the bedrooms are going to be. This is the new courtyard,' and they get so excited and happy. They can't wait to see the final result,” Hatton said.
For those interested in making a donation to help them reach the last 15 per cent of their goal, the public can donate at or contact Hatton at [email protected] or by phone at 807-229-1740 ext. 224.