MARATHON — Police have criminally charged a 39-year-old woman for driving impaired following a single motor vehicle collision in Marathon.
OPP attended to the call for service for the crash on Highway 627 around 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 6.
As a result of the investigation, police said they determined the woman had been consuming alcohol and administered an approved screening device test.
After allegedly failing the test, she was arrested and transported to the Marathon Detachment for additional breath testing.
The 39-year-old Biigtigong Nishnaabeg resident has since been charged with operation while impaired with alcohol and drugs, as well as operation while impaired with a blood alcohol concentration of 80 plus.
The woman also had her driver's licence suspended and her vehicle was impounded.
She is scheduled to appear in the Marathon Ontario Court of Justice in March to answer to the criminal charges.
It is Newswatch policy not to name people facing criminal accusations when we are unlikely to follow the case to its conclusion in the courts.