Thunder Bay Police board appoints 2 new governance committee members

Marcel Netemegesic Donio has been appointed to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board's governance committee.
Gary Ferguson has been appointed to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board's governance committee.

THUNDER BAY — The Thunder Bay Police Service Board has named two new members to its governance committee.

Marcel Netemegesic Donio (Nehbuhnehawbuhnwehshkung) was appointed for a three-year term and Gary Ferguson is set to serve for two years. They replace outgoing community members Cora Lee Mcguire-Cyrette and David Paul Achneepineskum.

These appointments were announced a day after the board's meeting where Karen Machado and Denise Baxter were re-elected as board chair and vice chair, respectively. 

Ferguson is the current executive director of the Salvation Army’s Journey to Life Centre, while Donio has held many roles over his career, retiring as an Ontario Justice of the Peace in 2022.

The police board’s governance committee “reviews and develops critical policies to uphold the board’s core values of transparency, accountability and community engagement,” according to the Thunder Bay Police Service Board’s website.

In a media release announcing the appointments, Denise Baxter, the chair of the committee and the board’s vice chair, welcomed both Ferguson and Donio. “With deep local ties and a strong commitment to community service, we are confident they will enhance the committee and ensure the community’s voice is heard,” Baxter was quoted as saying.

“We are grateful for the broad perspective of community needs and expectations that both bring to the table."

According to the press release from the board, Donio grew up near Lake Nipigon and attended both Confederation College and Lakehead University. He was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in 2005, retiring in 2022.

A press release from the province from back in 2005 announcing his appointment as a Justice of the Peace, stated that Donio has experience in police review, having served as vice chair of the citizens review board for the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service. That release also stated Donio has been the executive director of Matawa First Nations Management and Chiefs of Ontario, as well as manager of the Ontario government’s workplace discrimination and harassment program.

The recent release by the Thunder Bay Police Service Board stated that Ferguson is also a graduate of Lakehead University and has experience in both the public and private sectors.

Areas he has worked in include acute care, addictions intervention, long-term care and adult education, along with business-related experience in project management, life skills coaching and group facilitation. He also has experience serving on a number of provincial and regional boards, as well as with charitable organizations.

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