SNCDSB announces new school vice-principal

SNCDSB announce new elementary vice-principal for St. Hillary Catholic School, Benjamin Jewiss.

TERRACE BAY—Superior North Catholic District School Board, (SNCDSB) announces a new elementary school vice-principal.

Benjamin Jewiss is the new elementary school vice-principal at St. Hillary Catholic School. In their announcement, SNCDSB also stated that Jewiss will continue to have system portfolio responsibilities connected to Catholicity and special projects.

Jewiss comes to the Board with teaching experience from Manitoba and across Northwestern Ontario. He has been the principal at St. Brigit School in Nakina where he helped implement an original land and inquiry-based Ojibwe language and culture program.

Most recently, Jewiss, as a member of the SNCDSB System Support Team, as the administrator he oversaw the SNCDSB Remote Learning Program through COVID-19, and was their Catholicity and Special Projects Lead.

Jewiss holds an Honours Bachelor of Art Degree from Wilfred-Laurier University and a Bachelor of Education Degree from Nipissing University, specializing in Education of Native Canadians.


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