Pebble Beach project expected to be completed in October

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MARATHON — The million-dollar enhancement of Pebble Beach is expected to be completed in the middle of October.

The project, which involves the construction of terraced viewing platforms, accessible walkways, bathroom facilities, and a boardwalk, broke ground in May.

“We're actually right on schedule from a construction standpoint. We have approximately about two weeks to go with construction. We're pouring the final concrete pads this week. All the final framing will take place next week," Marathon CAO Daryl Skworchinski said.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the town received $450,000 from the Northern Ontario Heritage Corporation for the project. The price tag eventually rose to $2 million, which led to the scope being revised to bring it a cost of $1.35 million.

“Then we're looking at hosting a grand opening which will include the public being able to attend the later part of October, which of course will advertise well in advance. So, a great project coming to an end right on schedule,” Skworchinski explained.

With files from Al Cresswell, CFNO Radio

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