Nipigon seeks residents’ input on emergency preparedness

NIPIGON – The Township of Nipigon wants residents’ thoughts on emergency preparedness.

“What is your level of preparedness for disasters?”

“What communication channels do you rely on during disasters?”

“Which type(s) of disasters concern you the most?”

Those are three of the questions in a short online survey the municipality has posted.

Township chief administrative officer Lars Moffatt said the emergency preparedness survey is not required by law but “municipalities are required to undertake public education related to emergency preparedness.

“The information gathered from the survey will help us tailor our public education to what is actually needed by local residents.”

He said the survey’s purpose “is to gather data about how prepared our residents are in the event that an emergency occurred.

“Residents may be more prepared for some emergencies over others, so the survey will provide us data of how we can better structure our public education programs, while identifying and addressing any gaps in our current programming.”

They survey, available through Nipigon’s website, closes at 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 10.

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