Greenstone urgent care walk-in clinic offered three days a week

Greenstone Family Health Team to offer urgent care walk-in clinic. stock photo

GREENSTONE—Greenstone Family Health Team, located next to the Geraldton District Hospital will offer urgent care walk-in clinic services beginning Nov. 7.

The clinic will be open to appointments every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Patients are required to attend in person between 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to sign up for the walk-in.  At that time patients will be given an approximate time to return to see the provider.

The health team informed patients of the types of appointments appropriate for the walk-in clinic which includes such illnesses as: sore throat/ear/nose, urinary tract infection symptoms, cough/cold symptoms (negative COVID), high/low blood pressure and anxiety and depression.

Patients unsure of the process are asked to call the health team at: 807-854-0051 for further information.

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