Greenstone OPP and Gold mine set plans for big move

The current Greenstone OPP detachment HQ, still located along an old stretch of Highway 11 as of December 2023.

GREENSTONE — In anticipation of the commissioning process set to take place at Greenstone Gold mine, planned infrastructural shifts around the mine site are also in progress.

With the mine nearly ready to begin regular operations, more concrete plans in regards to moving Greenstone OPP headquarters are finally in place.

Greenstone Gold mine General Manager Eric Lamontagne said that the mine is actively involved in the process, which he referred to as “pit development” - referencing the expansion of the mining pit to encompass the area west of the main operation, where the OPP station is currently located.

“It’s the last infrastructure that we need to move,” Lamontagne said.

It was back in June of this year that TBT News first reported on the Greenstone OPP detachment relocating from their current address, along what is now the old Highway 11, to another spot nearby.

Now, it seems solid plans are set.

“We look to start in 2024, some preparations for the land. And we [are] scheduled to build a new police station in 2025,” Lamontagne said.

In other words, the Greenstone OPP detachment is going to continue operating from their current location for at least a year and a half before their new headquarters are built.

“They will stay there until we are ready to move,” Lamontagne said.

Nearby residences are also still in use as housing for workers at the mine, though it is unclear at this point if those houses will be demolished or relocated as well.

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